Sessions With Scott
Offering confidential counseling healing sessions that may include any or all of the following.
Counseling for Personal Growth
Often we all need someone to listen therapeutically, especially when we face a difficulty or challenging change. With training as a psychotherapist, Scott offers confidential counseling sessions. Sessions, at your request, may include elements of:
Intuitive Scanning
When you agree Scott will scan your body and emotional/mental field intuitively and report to you the impressions and information he receives.
Energetic Healing
Long distance Therapeutic Touch or non-contact Therapeutic Touch. This work is done silently and meditatively while you stay focused on receiving the healing energies. For more information see the book I wrote with and for Shannon McRae, PhD titled The Healing Effects of Energy Medicine.
Evidential Perceiving
This is focused upon spiritual guidance, including information or messages from guides such as your loved ones who have transitioned to spirit.
Nutritional Consulting
This is not a diagnostic consult but rather an assessment of and recommendations for nutritional changes that are meant to enhance your health. It’s helpful to have with you an account of your basic nutritional intake each day. Scott offers his over 40 years experience in the nutrition field.
Customize Your Experience
Elements of all the sessions can be combined into one session if it is at least a half hour booking. Session rates are $60 / 15-minutes, $90 / 30-minutes, and $160 / hour.
AM, Elk Grove, California
“The body-scan session with Scott was quite enlightening. Scott’s warm and gentle manner put me at ease as he spent five minutes scanning. His accuracy was quite amazing. He said that he could see I have sleep issues. True. It was great to hear about non-pharmaceutical solutions to resolve the insomnia that I have had for the past 25 years. He also noticed that I have had sinus issues and offered another natural solution to getting rid of the allergies that are associated with it. As Scott scanned, he also saw that it would be useful for me to do a liver cleanse, and he suggested an easy, effective one. This session was very helpful for me. It was wonderful to learn how to adjust and balance my organs and endocrine system with simple remedies. I highly recommend Scott Miners.”
Ann R, Toronto
“Scott, you were spot on. Before the session I had an intent to hear from my father, which you did not know. You described him perfectly and felt and conveyed the subtle things that only he did. His message about his relationship with my mother was very healing for me, as I didn’t know if he’d realized how hard it had been for her.”
PR, New York
“You just described my young son. He died of cancer at the age of 7. His message to party and get yellow balloons and play with them, put them on strings in the back yard and bounce them back and forth, was perfect. His birthday is tomorrow, and we are having a party in his memory! Also, yellow was the color of the cancer ward where he died.”
Jeanne Hamm, Richmond, Virginia
Scott Miners has exceptional intuitive abilities! His long-distance health scan of my body was totally accurate, and extremely helpful. He noted all my problem areas in his unique style, and he offered ideas for natural remedies. Also, he noted the correct location of spinal inflammation and what it wanted to heal. I love that he confirmed natural health remedies I was considering but was unsure if my body needed them! Thank you, Scott, for sharing your gift of insight!
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A healer does not heal a patient. A healer mediates a healing from nature to the patient.