Home Where the Heart Is
Welcome to an opportunity of professional intuitive assistance!
Intuitive counsel involves awareness of subtle cues, perhaps ignored subconscious beliefs. There’s a tendency to over-think and rely upon the left hemisphere of the brain to solve career, relationship, or other personal dilemmas, desires, and transitional changes. Intuition can, straight as a crow flies, get to the core, help release a difficulty, and restore natural joy.
An intuitive insight can indicate a project would succeed, a shift in a relationship could create happiness, or through release of an old judgement bring freedom. Insight leads to new adventures beyond what intellect alone can bring. Relaxation or realizations you find in spiritual counsel, meditation, guidance, even hypnosis can help release old baggage from the subconscious.
My book (with Shannon MacRae, PhD) The Healing Effects of Energy Medicine focuses on the use of intuition in nutritional, career, relationship, and personal growth counsel. There’s additional content on this site about messages from beings in spirit. There is a heart-centered warmth, often the end of grief, when non-physical consciousnesses provides you with awareness of your life’s subtleties.
Intuitive wisdom, kindness, and appreciation enchant life. Words that flow from this expansive place can brighten personal reality. Intuition is a scintillating part of creation.
There’s a new, more peaceful world that emerges. There are a thousand opportunities each day to forgive or allow. This includes the tendency to criticize oneself for past thoughts or actions. Begin to explore more with Insights! ∆
(See more information here, and at scotteminers.substack.com)
Email to Schedule a Session: scott (@) scribescott.com
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