By Scott E Miners


“Imagine” he asserted, “that the Sea is inside,”
He continued,
“Both you and me.
It is the I Am
That is the Way
The Truth
The Light
The Life
The Love
The house of cards is illusion.”


The only difference between us,”
He reiterated, “Is that I know my worthiness
And that this I am
Is who we really are.”


It was before them, it was simple,
But they could not comprehend it.
This was His constant dismay:
They could not comprehend it.


This is the way it is, He said:
You share with the Beloved One
The power of thought.


I Am—the mystery
Mind alone cannot understand;
This unforced power
That silent roar,
Light the eyes see not.


Nothing outside you
Can guide you
All is within.
Someone observes this.
Who gives the Gift of you?
Who looks, hears, sees?
Who orchestrated this all?
Who can look within?
Who can trust instead of fear?
Who can extend love but You and you?


Think—and focused thought becomes a magnet.
Something is joy,
There, in the silence beyond thinking,
Past all illusions:
Contentment, Accomplishment, Completion—
Yet is This lonely?
It is ever reaching out
Into the mystery,
The Ocean of Itself in all,
Allow, allow, allow.
Create identities, relationships
Yet Whole, still, inside all,
Give, receive,
One heart—
Only silly fears obscure this love.


You could relax and love all, safe,
And know there’s not a thing outside you,
Nor a thing you need to do.


Fear: an emotion
The body feels,
Birthed by a false thought:
A belief in separation,
An assumption,
A hypothesis,
A theory—
An anticipation of the thesis
An option
Though still the opposite of Love.


Ego thinks
It is correct
Believing it can be separate
From All
And creates these illusions—therefore
Castles in the sky—
Pain and suffering, death;
Yet, Soul is not held
By ego alone—
It created this illusory identity,
It chooses fear for experience,
Soul doesn’t suffer from that choice
As it realizes wisdom and awakens through all experience.


I Am is so powerful
It allows a thinker
To think anything.
So much love
It allows a thought
Of separation.
This is power.


This something extends, becomes human,
And that construct, avatar, learns
There’s nothing to blame here
To judge, or curse;
There is only to realize:
It’s all happening within the mind—
Abode of happiness and peace—
There’s no thing to gain,
Only to perceive
As it is accomplished already.
You can give up the freedom to think otherwise.


When you love everything
You will feel all love you in return.


Heartless-mind intelligence is cold
As the moon.
It needs a coat for warmth.
This alone wants to be separate,
Special, stop the Self of soul from perception,
Love is a choice each moment.


Heart governs mind;
Its warmth and wisdom,
Is Home.
To feel That is to ignite the fires of imagination.


Dear Body,
Marvelous instrument,
You are not boss.
Mind, you are not lord,
Soul is;
To Master mind is the origin of Health,
Not subject to Body or Mind,
Rather, all inter-depend on the Lord.


When you let go of the temporary,
What will remain?
The Sea of consciousness some call “God”:
Why not surrender to being Whole?
Who chooses but you?


Focus on Oneness,
Feel This,
Let it in….
Bring Soul’s awareness to revelation: Illumination.
The light is not obscured by the dark.
It reveals itself when you least expect it sometimes.


An instant of perception,
Being all.
It empowers:
Power that gently follows Being.


It is one thing, he asserted,
To know you have a gift:
That you are unique and different
As a personal self identity.
It is another
To sustain focus on Oneness
So greatly that
This priority awakens
What is real and strong and true,
Emotionally, physically, spiritually,
With this Ocean within you and without;
To perceive more in each moment:
Trust that choice;
Be the Love you look for everywhere else.


Practice makes a master
Will leads to reality
Be healed: Yield fully
To This that is here.


Humility and nobility are companions in This.
They shimmer.
In the shine of humility,
In the face of God, there is openness:
Nobles practice being This in different bodies.


Apart from the changes
There’s Being;
Eyes cannot see the breeze
Only the flutter of leaves.
There’s more knowledge in perception of the Wind
Than words can describe.


Many pray to This
That is here;
It is of great significance.
Yet, what is it
To participate in the request?
Petition This,
To acquiesce, think you are mere,
Isn’t necessary anymore.


As Abundance in form,
Being does not possess;
Human aspects of It do, temporarily:
Attention, money, being special…
This, being permanent, has no greed.
Be Your Self.


Invoke and participate
In appeals
This is to partake in solutions.


Every moment of every day,
Beings of Spirit respond,
To answer questions.
Take the pain, the sufferance, the hunger,
They act as One Being,
Move on the surface of waters,
Connected unseen as trees in a forest.


Heart: It knows other is no other.
Smiles This through eyes,
Such fragrance adds to loveliness, and so life
Adorns this earth.


Give self—as if a flower offers beauty to another,
Keeps it sweet,
Just as hummingbirds
Fly to nectar,
Reveal the Gift,
Trust the Unseen in the seen.


You make it easier for them to know
Of all the love you ever had,
As you live it.
Sages love it, both seen and unseen,
When you live what you know in each moment;
It makes it easier for others also,
That’s how to elevate all teachers.


There’s a Quiet power
Within you.
What you create from Here,
Will differ from what ancestors


Adventure: Full knowledge while in body.
Ah, Spirit is there,
As forever Being.
Has no form,
It emanates from Ocean
Into drops,
Transcendent of their uniqueness,
Forever and


Being realized is an anointment
You do for your Self,
A continual thought—which becomes belief:
Worthiness felt!
There was no reject in Creation,
No purposelessness: Identity is a gift;
It reveals itself right on time.


No One’s thoughts are more powerful than yours.
Unless you do not fully embrace your Self.
To have no duality in consciousness
As to worthiness,
To Oneness,
Embrace this—
Think and speak words as a master.
You will do these things and more.
What you think manifests.
Every day is holy.
Every thought is a prayer.
Every word.


She looked at me and said: “It is right here,”
As she moved her head ever so slightly. []